Posts by Craig Eyermann
Craig Eyermann is a Research Fellow at the Independent Institute.
How to Rescue the U.S. Postal Service
Federal Reserve Underwrites Washington’s Spending Binge
Pentagon Announces New Strategy for Combating Price Gougers: Paying Attention
A Broken Track for California’s Zombie Bullet Train
Do Public Pension Shortfalls Mean You’ll Face a Tax Hike?
All I Want for Xmas Is Fewer Regulations and Less Paperwork
How Excessive Federal Spending Sparked a Liquidity Crisis
“Crazy, Stupid” Federal Spending Proposals from Candidates of Both Parties
The Economic Costs of the National Debt and How to Avoid Them
Eight Turkeys of Government Waste That Survived Thanksgiving
Are Wealthier Americans Ditching Health Insurance?
Fed Chief Warns That National Debt Trend Will Choke Economic Growth
Runaway Health Insurance Costs Under the Affordable Care Act
Meet the Federal Agency Propaganda Mascots That Cost Taxpayers a Fortune
How Costly Are Your State’s Regulations?
How Leviathan Grew in 2019
How to Fix Government Employee Pensions
Fed Confirms That Federal Borrowing a Cause of Liquidity Crisis
How Well-Funded Are Government Employee Pension Plans in Your State?
Bureaucrat Benefits Crowd Out Public Services
Oakland City Employees Make Big Bank
Can the Fed Handle the Next Financial Catastrophe Arising from Politicians’ Addiction to Spending?
The Return of Quantitative Easing
U.S. National Debt Hits Crisis Levels
A Surprise Trillion Dollar Deficit

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