Posts by John R. Graham
John R. Graham is a former Senior Fellow at the Independent Institute.
Premiums for Employer-Based Family Health Insurance Up One-Fifth Since Obamacare
One Solution to the EpiPen Crisis: Repeal Durham-Humphrey!
More than One in Five Americans “Churn” Through Health Coverage within a Year
Medicare’s Accountable Care Organizations Still Underwhelm
EpiPen: A Case Study in Health Insurance Failure
Almost All Increase in Health Coverage Due to Return of Benefits
Medicaid Expansion and Obamacare Premiums
EpiPen: A Case Study of Government Harm
Telehealth Opportunity versus Telehealth “Parity”
Single-Payer Setback: Canadian Doctors without Contract for Two Years and Counting
Obamacare Authorities Actually Think Health Costs Fell
The “Right to Shop” for Health Care
Medicare Changes Have Reduced Hospital Readmissions, but More Reforms Are Needed
The Dead-Weight Cost of Obamacare’s Loopy Tax Credit
Another Obamacare Architect Recognizes Its Unintended Consequences
Chemotherapy Payment Reform: Medicare Is Missing the Elephant in the Room
The Democratic Platform on Health Care: Bad, but Not Universally Bad
Should the Feds Regulate Physicians’ Scope of Practice?
Arkansas Medicaid Expansion Improved Access to Care — but at a Very High Price
The Republican Platform on Health Care: Good, Bad, and So-So
Medical Marijuana Saves Taxpayers Money
Obamacare’s Perverse Job-Creation Program
Government Price Controls and Drug Addiction
Hospitals and Insurers Are Dropping the Ball
The Business Case for Health Insurance Is Weakening

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless