Tag: Medicare
The National Debt Is Becoming a Public Health Threat
The Fastest Growing Category of Government Spending
Five Steps for Taming the Federal Spending Beast
Death, Taxes, and Government Waste
Medicare Trust Fund Is Running Out of Money
Counting the True Cost of Government Monopoly Health Care
What Government Doesn’t Know About Health Care
How to Better Control the Growth of Medicare Spending
Average Wait Time to See a Doctor up 30 Percent in Three Years
Health Spending and Prices to Rise, 2018 through 2025
Medicare, Medicaid and VA at High Risk for Waste, Fraud and Abuse, Says GAO
Everybody Gets a Medal: Performance “Incentives” in Medicare Reform
Doctors Leaving Private Practice for Hospitals
Medicare’s Accountable Care Organizations Still Underwhelm
Medicare Changes Have Reduced Hospital Readmissions, but More Reforms Are Needed
Chemotherapy Payment Reform: Medicare Is Missing the Elephant in the Room
The Republican Platform on Health Care: Good, Bad, and So-So
Don’t Be Fooled by Misleading Rhetoric on Medicare Payment Reform
Medicare Pays for Prevention – For the First Time
Obamacare’s Death Panel: Deferred, but Not Dismissed
Traditional Medicare Is Disappearing Faster than Expected: Does It Matter?
Ten Percent of Cancer Drug Spending Is Wasted
Third-Party Bureaucracies Can’t Discipline Healthcare Prices
French Doctors Lose Strike Against “Free” Health Care
Why Are Prescription Prices Higher in the United States?

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless
  • MyGovCost.org
  • FDAReview.org
  • OnPower.org
  • elindependent.org