Tag: Medicaid
Five Steps for Taming the Federal Spending Beast
Death, Taxes, and Government Waste
Average Wait Time to See a Doctor up 30 Percent in Three Years
Why Health Coverage Does Not Equal Healthcare Access
Health Spending and Prices to Rise, 2018 through 2025
Medicare, Medicaid and VA at High Risk for Waste, Fraud and Abuse, Says GAO
Capping Federal Medicaid Funding Would Save $110 Billion to $150 Billion in 5 Years
American Health Insurance Is Upside Down
Will More Government Oversight Prevent Medicaid Abuse of the Disabled?
Medicaid Expansion and Obamacare Premiums
Arkansas Medicaid Expansion Improved Access to Care — but at a Very High Price
The Republican Platform on Health Care: Good, Bad, and So-So
Obamacare Slightly Increased Short-Term Uninsured
Increasing Medicaid Dependency Does Not Reduce “Uncompensated” Care
What You Don’t Know about Immigrants and Medicaid Usage
Medicaid’s Poverty Trap Illustrated
Competition and Cooperation
How Much of Federal Transfer Payments Are Obamacare Subsidies? More than You Think!
GAO: Medicare, Medicaid and Veterans Health Administration at High Risk for Fraud, Waste, Abuse
About That CBO Report Claiming Obamacare’s Costs Are Down 20 Percent…
Arkansas: Caving In or Standing Up to Obamacare?
Employers Who Dump Workers onto Medicaid: The New Corporate Welfare Queens?
Obamacare’s Effect on Uninsured Is Trivial
Medicaid Expansion Does Not Create Healthcare Jobs
High Taxes, Lack of Federal Bailout Make Vermont Cancel Single-Payer Plan

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless
  • MyGovCost.org
  • FDAReview.org
  • OnPower.org
  • elindependent.org