Campaign Finance Reform—After I’m Elected

Who knew that the New York Times had embraced irony?

In a news piece—not its opinion page—”Clinton Fundraisers Show Scope of Family Network“:

WASHINGTON — Hillary Rodham Clinton is tapping some of the biggest donors to her family’s philanthropy for her presidential campaign, even as the charity is under scrutiny over its own fundraising practices.

Starting what could be a $1 billion-plus fundraising effort, Clinton began raising money for her presidential bid Tuesday in New York, the state she represented in the Senate. The hosts’ connections with the Clinton Foundation show how intertwined the charity is with Clinton’s political career. Even her campaign finance director, Dennis Cheng, had a leading fundraiser role at the foundation before departing for the campaign.

The former secretary of state has faced persistent questions about the foundation’s acceptance of donations from foreign countries and its corporate ties in recent weeks.

And as she starts holding fundraisers this week, plenty of overlap can be seen between long-term political donors and foundation funders.

In New York, Clinton’s first event was at the home of fashion designer Lisa Perry, a longtime Democratic donor to Hillary Clinton’s campaigns, and husband Richard C. Perry. A hedge fund executive, Richard Perry has donated between $250,000 and $500,000 to the Clinton Foundation, according to the foundation’s voluntary disclosures, and supported Hillary Clinton’s Senate and presidential bids.

A second event is co-hosted by Alan Patricof, the finance chairman for Clinton’s Senate campaigns. He and his wife donated between $100,000 and $250,000 to the foundation.

Speaking to 150 donors gathered in a midtown Manhattan apartment at the third event of the day, Clinton stressed her commitment to reforming the campaign finance system — and her goal of raising $100 million for her primary campaign.

[Read the rest, here.]

“Reform for thee but not for me!”

Mary L. G. Theroux is Chairman and Chief Executive of the Independent Institute.
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