Mad Dogs and Politicians – But I Repeat Myself

Encountering a mad dog one day, the cat

inquired of this menace: Republican or Democrat?

The dog’s mouth foamed freely with cash and honey,

and he said: “Who cares? It’s all about the money.”


He then led the cat down a garden path,

all smiles and promises, till he turned in his wrath.

He attacked like the crazed beast he certainly was

and sent the cat flying in a cloud of fuzz.


So, beware politicians you might meet on your walk;

they’ll promise you anything, but it’s just empty talk.

Don’t give them a chance to latch onto what you’ve got,

for the only good mad dog’s the one that’s been shot.

Robert Higgs is Retired Senior Fellow in Political Economy at the Independent Institute, author or editor of over fourteen Independent books, and Founding Editor of Independent’s quarterly journal The Independent Review.
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  • Beyond Homeless