Clinton Cash Film Premieres

The powerful, new, documentary-film version of Peter Schweizer’s bombshell, New York Times-bestselling book on the massive corruption, cronyism and hypocrisy of Bill and Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation, Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich, has premiered on YouTube for selectively timed viewings. According to the film received 500,000 views in the first 48 hours and all on the eve of the Democratic Party’s National Convention in Philadelphia. The film is receiving massive support in social media across the political spectrum, as both conservatives and liberals are recommending it for its bold coverage of the massive self-dealing of the Clintons to enrich themselves by using government power to reward those who “pay to play”: private gain at public expense., whose Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon produced the film, modestly notes that:

Clinton Cash exposes the disturbing pattern of record-high speaking fees to Bill Clinton and donations to the Clinton Foundation from foreign contributors, which conspicuously coincided with favors for those closest to the Clintons and their foundation donors while Hillary Clinton served as Secretary of State.

Here is the official trailer, here is the film, and here is the director’s cut of the film that begins with a 14:56 minute discussion with Bannon and Schweizer.

In addition, the Clinton Cash: A Graphic Novel version of the book is scheduled for release on August 8th.

David J. Theroux (1949–2022) was Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Independent Institute.
Beacon Posts by David J. Theroux | Full Biography and Publications
  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless