Tag: War
The End of Russia’s Putin Era
The War in Ukraine: A View from Georgia
What Makes You My Enemy?
Lessons from History
International Disorder: Ukraine Edition
Putin Has the MAD Advantage
Putin and the Rehabilitation of Europe’s Populists
Biden Should Open Negotiations With Russia
Has Putin Miscalculated or Is He Unhinged?
Afghanistan: Two Implications for National Defense
The Sunk Cost Fallacy in the War on Terror
Saudi Call for the United States to Attack Iran Is Out Of Line
Review: Wonder Woman’s Anti-War Theme Elevates Superhero Action Film
DOD vs. CIA: Syria Edition
War Is the Antithesis of Freedom
D.C.’s “Missing” Memorial
Military Education Savings Accounts: A Great Way to Provide Educational Choice
The Military’s “Heroes” and the Scourge of Nationalism
Do Drones Degrade al Qa’ida?
Do Drones Really Reduce Civilian Casualties?
The U.S.’s Nazi Imports
Military Aid — “If We Don’t Do It, Someone Else Will”
The Power Elite
United States of Fear
The Consummate Fallen Angel
On U.S. Foreign Policy

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless
  • MyGovCost.org
  • FDAReview.org
  • OnPower.org
  • elindependent.org