Tag: Pandemic
75% of PPP Wasted
Pandemic Aid for Businesses Squandered
Great Barrington Declaration Authors Fire Back at NIH and NIAID Bureaucrats
California Covid Contradictions
White Coat Waste Meets White Coat Supremacy
How Governments Botched COVID-19 Testing, Reinforcing Destructive Lockdowns and Massive “Relief” Spending
Wuhan COVID Patients Showed Genetically Modified Henipah Virus
It’s Time to End the COVID Mandates
The Covid-19 Ratchet Effect is Becoming Clearer, and More Concerning 
An Ocean of Red Ink as Far as the Eye Can See
Pandemic Unemployment Fraud Tops $400 Billion
More U.S. Intelligence Failure – and a Possible COVID Coverup
MI Governor’s Rule-Breaking Is Nothing New — Here’s Why Politicians Seem to Favor Hypocrisy
Inflation Facts
Are We Witnessing the Beginning of the Covid-19 Ratchet Effect?
“Nothing We Can Do” About Trajectory of the Pandemic?
Dr. Anthony Fauci’s $417,608 Tops All Federal Salaries, but Does Performance Match the Pay?
Is Gov. Newsom Avoiding Science-Based Pandemic Policies?
The Bureaucrats of the Year
Dr. Deborah Birx Gets Pushback for Violating Her Own Standards
Early Covid-19 Vaccine Distribution Troubles Add to a Long List of Government Pandemic Failures
Sen. Dianne Feinstein Turns up in $2 Billion EDD Scandal
Lessons from 2020: A Global Perspective on Covid-19
New COVID-19 Vaccines, Same Sluggish FDA
To Live and Dine in L.A.
How Did Forecasters Get the Pandemic Economy So Wrong?

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless
  • MyGovCost.org
  • FDAReview.org
  • OnPower.org
  • elindependent.org