Tag: government and politics
To Mask, Or Not? A State of Resistance
Biden Military Betrays Misguided Priorities
How Excessive Government Spending Leads to Financial Repression
9/11 Milestone Recalls Massive Government Failure
To Mask, Or Not? Should I Yield to Authoritarians Who Resist Authority?
The Sunk Cost Fallacy in the War on Terror
As the Opioid Epidemic Worsens, We Must Look at Free Market Solutions
U.S. Capitol Police Colonize California
Biden’s Knock-Knock Joke Isn’t Funny
Protecting Intellectual Property Rights Will Save Lives Now and in the Future
Biden Spending a “Sugar High” Bust for Growing Economy
The Covid-19 Ratchet Effect is Becoming Clearer, and More Concerning 
Who’s With Me?
Obamacare Back Stories
An Ocean of Red Ink as Far as the Eye Can See
Juneteenth: The Latest Effort to Balkanize the U.S.
Who really won Peru’s presidential election?
California’s Vaccine Lottery is a Sucker Bet
“Amtrak Joe” Tries to Resuscitate California’s Zombie Bullet Train
Tax Havens, or Intergovernmental Competition
Pandemic Unemployment Fraud Tops $400 Billion
Federal Judge Draws Fire for Striking Down California Assault Weapons Ban
Surveillance Going Postal–USPS’ Ever Growing Spy Role Expands to Internet Traffic
New Alzheimer’s Drug Approval Could Change the FDA’s Approval Process for the Better
Ending of a Needle Exchange Program Shows How Government is Addicted to Failure

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless
  • MyGovCost.org
  • FDAReview.org
  • OnPower.org
  • elindependent.org