Tag: Military
Putin and the Rehabilitation of Europe’s Populists
Biden Military Betrays Misguided Priorities
The Sunk Cost Fallacy in the War on Terror
MIC America Great Again?
Attack on Saudi Oil Facilities: This Isn’t Our Fight
Is a National Government Necessary for National Defense?
The U.S. Military: The Cost of the Sacred Cow
Honoring Veterans with Parental Choice in Education
D.C.’s “Missing” Memorial
The Military’s “Heroes” and the Scourge of Nationalism
Do Drones Degrade al Qa’ida?
Do Drones Really Reduce Civilian Casualties?
Military Aid — “If We Don’t Do It, Someone Else Will”
The Consummate Fallen Angel
On U.S. Foreign Policy
No U.S. Weapons for Countries with Child Soldiers (Oh, You Have a Waiver?)
Fallujah Fallout: Who Pays the Price?
U.S. National Defense: Just Another Government Program
The Worst (Still) Get on Top
Imposing Costs on Russia: How about a Food Embargo?
Orwellian Language: Peace Abroad; War at Home
A Hell of a Pinpoint Operation
The Veterans’ Administration Has Been a Disaster Since Its Inception
No Joke, Paul Krugman Praised Veterans Health System as National Model
This Memorial Day Honor Vets with Education Savings Accounts

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless
  • MyGovCost.org
  • FDAReview.org
  • OnPower.org
  • elindependent.org