Category: The Beacon
School Choice Milestone Calls for New Approach
Don’t Let the FDA Tell You What’s Healthy
California’s Proposition 1 Is Perverse Virtue-Signaling
Social Security’s 8.7% COLA Will Protect Retirees From Inflation, but Will Hasten Program’s Insolvency
What is Populism?
National Controversy over Nationwide Injunctions
A Foreword to Adam Smith’s The Theory of Moral Sentiments
There’s No Such Thing as Free Breastmilk
Formula shortages cannot be overlooked
New Federal and State Court Rulings on Phone Searches
How Courts are Divided on the Scope of Cell Phone Searches Post-Riley
California’s Zombie Bullet Train Lurches Along
Ticking Down to a National Debt Crisis
Why Aren’t West Coast Ports Booming?
Gulf and East Coast labor and economic policies drive port activity up to West Coast levels
Highway Heist
James Bennett’s New Book on the Development of America’s System of Roads
State Department of Nepotism
Your Household’s Share of the National Debt
Dr. Fauci Profiteered from the Pandemic
Fed Boss Powell Railroads Workers
Inflation is Unlikely to Improve Before Things Get Worse
How Politics in San Francisco Deepens the City’s Housing Crisis
A Residential “Right to Build” Amendment to the State Constitution Is Needed
Interest Rates and the First Rule of Holes
Fiscal Policy in the Wake of Rising Rates
State Vehicle Inspections
Biden’s “Cancer Moonshot” Boosts Bureaucracy
President Biden’s Student Loan Cancellation Scheme
What’s wrong with it?
Progressives, Leave the Senate Alone
Former SF Public Works Director Gets Prison Time

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  • Beyond Homeless