Archive for December, 2015
Douglass C. North (November 5, 1920 – November 23, 2015)
Third-Party Bureaucracies Can’t Discipline Healthcare Prices
French Doctors Lose Strike Against “Free” Health Care
“Fleeced Navidad” Government Wastes Taxpayer Money Tracking Santa
What Is Driving Health Prices?
Congress Set to Deficit-Fund Obamacare by Almost $40 Billion
The Quality of American Education: Two Types of Evidence
Why Employer Benefit Costs Are Rising Slowly
Privatize the Marriage Market
The Stock Market Reacts to the Fed’s Interest Rate Hike
Obamacare Crushes Working Class Job Opportunities
Serpent in the Supreme Court: The Folly of “Strict Scrutiny,” from Japanese Internment to Affirmative Action
Venezuela’s “New” Government: Don’t Get Too Excited
“Free They Must Remain”: John Milton’s Enduring Wisdom
Why Are Prescription Prices Higher in the United States?
Trading Votes in Congress to Get Everything Politicians Want
Marcus Welby, Where Are You? The Decline and Fall of House Calls
Asset Forfeiture and Police Corruption
One in Five Primary-Care Doctors Not Taking New Medicare Patients
The Paris Summit on Climate Change: Another Kyoto?
Prostate Cancer Screening: Can the Government Get It Right?
The Cost of Obamacare’s “Slacker Mandate”

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless