Posts by Abigail R. Hall
Abigail R. Hall is a Senior Fellow at the Independent Institute and an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Tampa. She was previously an Assistant Professor of Economics at Bellarmine University in Louisville, Kentucky. She received her Ph.D. in economics from George Mason University.
The Gender Wage Gap–A Myth that (Still) Just Won’t Die
Taxation and Wealth Redistribution as Lowbrow Morality
“But They’re Illegal!” The Worst Argument Against Immigration
Ronald Coase and the Battle of Breastfeeding
An Apology to an Immigrant
When Government Fails—Venezuela Edition
Follow the Silk Road
The Prime Importance of Private Property Rights
A Call to Order in the Hobbesian Jungle
Still Won’t Stand with Rand
Standing with Rand? Maybe Take a Seat.
Love, Marriage, and Green Cards
Pay Attention to History
What Happened to the Midwives? (Hint: Government)
The War of Ideas
Just How Bad Has Post-9/11 America Become? Some Insights from Eritrea
New TV Show Sparks Unnecessary Moral Outrage (and Proves People Don’t Understand Basic Economics)
Racehorses and Circus Animals — Stifle Your Outrage
What Abercrombie and Fitch Can Teach Us about the Same-Sex Marriage Controversy
The Military’s “Heroes” and the Scourge of Nationalism
Welcome, High School Freshman! Pee in This Cup!
Save the Children. Open the Border
Do Drones Degrade al Qa’ida?
An Argument for “Selling” Babies
Do Drones Really Reduce Civilian Casualties?

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless