Tag: California
California Advances Bills to Ban Thicker, Reusable Plastic Bags That It Previously Required
Move would force grocery stores to go back to paper bags and likely be worse for the environment
Fixing California’s Growing Insurance Crisis
The State Needs Free Markets—Not More Regulations—to Solve the Problem
The Perils of Running a Restaurant (or Any Business) in California
California's fast-food minimum wage hike is already claiming numerous casualties
The Plastic Bag Racket
Banning single-use plastic bags doesn’t help the environment – and may even make things worse
Democrats Decline an Opportunity with Senate Appointment
Freedom Took a Hit During the Coronavirus Pandemic. Will It Recover?
Government Policies Hastened the Flight to Freer States
Governor Newsom Urges Floridians to Move to California
I’m a Floridian, and I’m Stunned by this Act of Desperation
California’s State Psychiatrists and Taxpayers
California Senate Aims to Make Schools More Dangerous
Coastal Commission Ramps Up State Water Deficit
Gas, Guns, and Government Lunacy
More Bad News on Gas and Water for California
New Tax on House Flippers Will Not Increase Housing Supply
Former San Francisco DPW Boss Mohammed Nuru Pleads Guilty to Corruption Charges
CalPERS’ High-Risk Bets to Guarantee Government Employee Pensions
California Covid Contradictions
Retiring State Auditor Elaine Howle Is a Tough Act to Follow
It’s Time to End the COVID Mandates
California’s Vaccine Lottery is a Sucker Bet
Federal Judge Draws Fire for Striking Down California Assault Weapons Ban
Buttigieg Boosts Prospects of California’s Bullet Train Boondoggle
Supreme Court Grants Injunction on California COVID Restrictions
The Art of the New Racism
Is State Democratic Party Chair Candidate Eastin a “Champion for Education”?
Rush Limbaugh on Air

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless
  • MyGovCost.org
  • FDAReview.org
  • OnPower.org
  • elindependent.org