Posts by Vicki E. Alger
Vicki E. Alger is a Research Fellow at the Independent Institute and Senior Fellow and Director of the Women for School Choice Project at the Independent Women’s Forum. She is the author of the Independent book, Failure: The Federal Misedukation of America’s Children.
No More Common Core in Arizona
Children Are Not Creatures of the State: New Hampshire Edition
Happy Birthday, US Department of Education…Now Go Away
Clinton’s Pitching $350 Billion in “Free” College
Some Constitution Day Reflections about Government’s Role in Education
Lessons for Taxpayers from Record Low SAT Scores
Military Education Savings Accounts: A Great Way to Provide Educational Choice
Parental Choice Could Help Curb Willful Defiance in School
Education Savings Accounts Challenge Common Core’s One-Size-Fits-All Schooling
Government Union Boss Apparently Equates Valuing Work with Taxpayer Shakedowns
Milton Friedman on “Free” College
National School Choice Week Starts Today!
Common Core Boosters Trying to Scare States into Keeping National Standards
Constitutional Federalism Beats Feds’ Bribery of the States
Student Debt and Default Explode While U.S. Department of Education Fiddles
Reauthorized Child Care Block Grant: Another Brick in the Wall for Big Government
Raising Arizona: Voters Agree with Incoming Superintendent Diane Douglas that Parents, Not the State, Are Primary in Education
Students Won’t Be Collateral Damage in California Big Spenders’ Showdown
NYC’s Success Academy Charter Schools Are Beating the Odds . . . and Powerful Unions
Obama’s Undisciplined School Discipline Reforms
Distorted Education Attack Ads Hide the Facts
Georgia’s Ivory Tower Behavior Modification-istas
Coming Soon to California: Teachers’ Right to Work?
Common Core Called the “Obamacare of Education”
Gaming Gainful Employment

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