Posts by Carl P. Close
Carl P. Close is a Research Fellow and former Executive Editor for Acquisitions and Content at the Independent Institute and former Assistant Editor of The Independent Review.
James M. Buchanan’s Enduring Legacy for Limited Government and Individual Liberty
What to Do About Drones: A Symposium
Trade Wars Put Prosperity in the Cross Hairs
New Book Reveals the Timely Wisdom of America’s First Constitution
Future: Economic Peril or Prosperity? Offers Message of “Cautious Optimism”
Understanding the Climate Science Boom
Anthony de Jasay: Political Philosopher Par Excellence
In Memoriam: Robert A. Conquest (1917–2015)
Harvard Professor’s Latest ‘Heresy’ Throws Water on Obama EPA’s Climate Policy
A Case for Patent Reform
The Case for Victim Justice
Debunking Democracy with James M. Buchanan
Coercive Foreign Policies and the Boomerang Effect
Patent Trolls: Their Threat to U.S. Innovation—and the Solutions
Sweatshops: Misunderstood Paths Out of Poverty
Do Private Prisons Make Financial Sense for States?
The Independent Review—Summer 2014 Issue Now Available
Global Poverty and the Tyranny of Experts
Trapped by the State
P. J. O’Rourke on the Baby Boom Generation
The Coming U.S. Government Default?
The Independent Review — Spring 2014 Issue Now Available
America’s Spymasters and Cultural Propaganda
The Independent Review—Winter Issue Now Available
Stephen Halbrook’s Gun Control in the Third Reich

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless