Tag: Insurance
Freeing the Doctor
A Simple Way to Control Healthcare Spending
How Perverse Incentives Affect Healthcare Behavior
Competition Based on Quality of Healthcare: Why Does Quality Rise in Free Markets and Decline with Government?
How Third-Party Payers Crush Entrepreneurs
Private-Sector Socialism: What the Right and Left Don’t Understand about Healthcare in Other Countries
The Market for Healthcare Risk: How the Current System Biases Against Patients with Pre-existing Conditions
Health Insurance vs. Healthcare: When Socializing Risk Pays Off
How Much Does Health Insurance Affect Health? Some Surprising Answers
The Problem of Unintended Consequences: How Good Intentions Often Lead to Perverse Effects
How Much Do You Trust the Government? Politics, Patients, and Perverse Incentives
Obamacare Cronyism Makes Bad Medicine
The World’s First Paleo-Libertarians
State Attorneys General File Suit Challenging Contraception Subsidy
God and Woman in the Nanny State
“Single-payer” Health Care Requires Evermore Patient Patients
Extending the Payroll Tax Cut: A Vote to Eliminate Social Security As We Know It
Book Champions Market-Based Law and Justice
Alex Tabarrok Interviewed on Freakonomics Radio: The Economics of Bounty Hunting
Did Goldman Sachs Foresee the Mortgage Collapse?
Robert Higgs’s Recent Interview by Libertad Digital (here in English)
Q&A on Obamacare
Judge Andrew Napolitano: Obamacare Is Unconstitutional
Samizdat: The Libertarian Alarm Clock

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless
  • MyGovCost.org
  • FDAReview.org
  • OnPower.org
  • elindependent.org