Posts by Vicki E. Alger
Vicki E. Alger is a Research Fellow at the Independent Institute and Senior Fellow and Director of the Women for School Choice Project at the Independent Women’s Forum. She is the author of the Independent book, Failure: The Federal Misedukation of America’s Children.
Obama Touts D.C. Public Schools as Offering the Kind of Education that Will Grow the Economy
What’s Work Got to Do with It? Labor Day the Chicago Teachers Union Way
Country’s Largest Roman Catholic Education System Embraces “Entrepreneurial Partnerships” and Outsources School Management
Goldwater Was Right about the Dangers of “Big, Inflationary Government”
College Officials’ Excuses Costing Students and Taxpayers
Washington Post on Fed Ed Failure: Right Headline, Wrong Reasoning
Outsourcing Public Schooling
Student Loan Forgiveness: Bread and Circuses for the 21st Century
President Obama’s STEM Master Teacher Corps: Another Unconstitutional, Expensive Federal Foray into Education
What’s Really Behind Student Fade-Out: Summer or Schools?
Adults Who Say the Kids Are Alright Get It Wrong
Fed Med to Fed Ed: Beware of the “Unconstitutionally Coercive” Standard
Federal Student Loan Interest Rate Update
College Loan Interest Rates: Real Change or Spare Change?
Individual Career Choices, Not Government Quotas, Should Define the Next 40 Years of Title IX

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