Posts by Vicki E. Alger
Vicki E. Alger is a Research Fellow at the Independent Institute and Senior Fellow and Director of the Women for School Choice Project at the Independent Women’s Forum. She is the author of the Independent book, Failure: The Federal Misedukation of America’s Children.
Twelfth Grader Schools School Board over Common Core National Standards
More on Common Core: It’s about Snooping, Not Standards
Shocker: Common Core Is about Politics, Not Academic Standards
Schooling for Profit: Doing Good for Students while Creating Wealth for Staff
Scary Movie Medicare Edition: We Pay Dead People
T-shirts and Free Speech: The Newest NSA Threats
More Money, Less Liberty, Impoverished Education
New York Times Wrong about Government Childcare Delivery
Government-Run Preschool Is a Dead End, Not a Lifeline
Nancy Pelosi Flunks the Preschool Test: More Government Is Not the Answer
California Parents Need Education Options, Not Government “Accountability”
Obama Administration Says ‘Nein’ to German Homeschooling Family Seeking Asylum
Hotel California: Paychecks and Pensions, but No Pink Champagne or Full Parental Choice
Union Backs Teacher Bar Exam
Marxist Ties of the Chicago Teachers Union Exposed
Setback for the Surveillance State in San Antonio Schools
Big Brother in Government Schools: Trading in Civil Liberties for Cold, Hard Cash
Dumbing Down for Dollars: A Tale of Two Floridas
States’ Education Ballot Results Roundup: The Good, the Bad, and the Really Expensive
Who Should Determine Education Policy? Parents, Not Presidents
Race-Based Admissions: Critical Mass Standard Is a Massive Mess in Texas
The Facts Behind the New Fiction about Won’t Back Down
Lawsuits over “Fee” Public Schools
The “Great for Students” Chicago Teachers Strike
Shortchanging Special Needs Students—Another Poor Mark for Government Schooling

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