Posts by Jonathan Hofer
Jonathan Hofer is a Research Associate at the Independent Institute. He has written extensively on both California and national public policy issues. He holds a BA in political science from the University of California, Berkeley. His research interests include privacy law, student privacy, local surveillance, and the impact of emerging technologies on civil liberties.
Proposed APRA Bill Is a Bad Attempt at Data Privacy Protection
California’s Video Game Data Collection Law: A Step Too Far?
Proposed California Law to Protect Neurorights?
Phantom Parrot and the Orwellian Reality of Surveillance
The Ongoing Legal Battle: Biometrics, 5th Amendment, and Phone Decryption
Geofence Warrants and Google: A Turning Point in Digital Privacy
Section 702 Created a Backdoor Search Loophole
San Francisco Police Wheel Out Bait Cars, But Do They Reduce Vehicle Thefts?
The Sideshow Spectacle: Alameda County’s Crackdown on Onlookers
First Republic Bank Seized and Sold to JPMorgan Chase
The Oakland A’s Want to Leave for Las Vegas: Lessons on the Risks of Sports Stadiums
Something is Rotten in the State of Denmark—ALPRs
The expanding role of automated license plate readers
Is “Elf on the Shelf” Normalizing Surveillance for Children?
Fed Slows Interest Rate Bump, Raises Rates by 0.5 Points
California Getting First Look at New Law on Police Equipment
An Explanation of AB 481
Surveillance Going Postal–USPS’ Ever Growing Spy Role Expands to Internet Traffic
Police Reformers Should Demand Overhaul of CalGang Database 
Court Hinges Privacy Rights on Smartphone Settings
Civil Libertarians Worry that Facial Recognition Tech Is Inaccurate, but Fears May Worsen After It’s Perfected

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