Posts by Anthony Gregory
Anthony Gregory is a former Research Fellow at the Independent Institute and author of the Independent books American Surveillance and The Power of Habeas Corpus in America.
The Barbaric Lowering of Recruitment Standards
The Problem With Global Non-Warming
World War II and Global Warming, Again
Fifteen Years After Waco
Gun Owners Are Happier
The French War on Thinness
Militarized State and Local Police
DHS’s Horrifying Deportation Policy
And People Really Believe This?
Mukasey’s Claim About the Afhgan Phonecall: Either a Fib, or Irrelevant
The Formula for a Police State
Another Torture Memo Released
Bush Backing Down on FISA?
The Administration Insists the US Government Does Not Torture
A Shia vs. Shia Civil War?
Abolishing Nuclear Weapons
Human Death Toll in Iraq
California Stands Up (A Little) to Feds on Real ID
War with Iran—Still in the Cards?
Understanding the Depression
Bush: The War Was Worth the Cost
What Has Been Learned After 5 Years of War?
United Nations Sanctions Hurt Civilians
Another Setback on Warrantless Surveillance
Glenn Greenwald on the Surveillance State

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless