Tim Draper: Venture Capitalist, Venture Philanthropist, and Poet

We’ve long been admirers of Tim Draper—in fact, we think so highly of him we presented him with the Alexis de Tocqueville Award at our Gala for the Future of Liberty two years ago.

Tim is a champion of improved educational choices for children, is always searching for ways to use new technologies to transform government, and created BizWorld which introduces children worldwide to the opportunities and excitement of entrepreneurship.

Tim has also backed many cutting-edge firms, bringing the benefits of new technologies and innovations to millions of us.

But we never fully realized the extent of Tim’s talents until he produced the following poem in honor of our Founder (and my husband) David Theroux on the occasion of his birthday last week:

Ode to David Theroux — Seeing the light (house)

David Theroux is a beacon.
His ideology never weakens
His moral fiber like a deacon
Deep down he is just freakin’

Cause the government keeps on growing
Politicians keep on crowing
Bureaucrats keep on stowing
Seeds of discontent are flowing

But David is determined.
To keep us all unburdened
From governments that have worsened
People and businesses are so disheartened.

He brought us the Independent Institute
To show us all an alternate route
One full of freedom resolute
To clear our minds of press pollute

He produced a vid called LoveGov
To send the message from above
The world would be better off
If the bureaucrats would back off

His work may bring utopia
Where people live with hope for ya
And freedom reigns throughout the land
As we learn to love the invisible hand

Happy Birthday David. Best, Tim Draper

Thanks, Tim!

Mary L. G. Theroux is Chairman and Chief Executive of the Independent Institute.
Beacon Posts by Mary L. G. Theroux | Full Biography and Publications
  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless
  • MyGovCost.org
  • FDAReview.org
  • OnPower.org
  • elindependent.org