Public School Clamps Down on Ten-Year Old for Pizza “Gun”

In the escalating P.C. wars waged by the secular theocracy‘s Nanny State, an elementary public school this fall ordered a ten-year-old boy to spend the rest of the semester eating lunch alone at the school’s “silence table,” with a dire warning of suspension if he dared to threaten others again. We certainly need to protect the innocent lives of children, but what serious offense could have prompted this zero-tolerance measure to protect the public safety from terrorism? Might it be the danger of brandishing a slice of pizza that “looks” like a gun? Oh No! As WorldNetDaily reports:

In the past, a gunmaker’s name on a pen and a drawing of a space weapon have been enough to bring down school officials’ wrath on students; now it’s a piece of pizza.

At an elementary school in Smyrna, Tenn., student Nicholas Taylor, 10, has been ordered to spend lunches for the rest of the semester at the lunchroom’s “silent table” because he allegedly picked up a piece of pizza and waved it around like a gun.

According to a WKRN television report, school officials say Taylor “threatened” other students “with a piece of pizza with bites out of it so it looked like a gun.”

The station said his mother, LeAnn Taylor, described the punishment as “absolutely ridiculous” and said her son never said anything derogatory or anything about shooting.

“The kid across the table from him said it looked like a gun so he picked it up and started shooting it in the air,” she said, according the television report.

A school official, James Evans, said the punishment actually is because “some students reported he was making some threatening hand gestures, that he was shooting at other kids at the table, and they reported it to a teacher.”

. . . .

“In addition to the stigma of silent lunch, Nicholas was required to meet with the school resource officer to learn about gun safety. I submit that the school should have further required that the child … meet with the dietitian to discuss pizza safety.”

The controversy developed, according to the WKRN report, a few days ago at David Youree Elementary School in Smyrna, a part of the Rutherford County School District.

Evans wrote, “I realize some might say we are going overboard but the principal is just trying to use an abundance of caution and send the message that we don’t play about guns and it’s not something we joke around about.”

Taylor told the station the school made it clear if her son eats his pizza into the shape of a gun again and there is another incident, he would be suspended.

For 2012, one can only dread what evil might result from 10-year-old terrorists who then might resort to a game of “Cowboys and Indians” or “Cops and Robbers”! How can they ever be stopped?

HT: Gary Theroux

David J. Theroux (1949–2022) was Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Independent Institute.
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