Archive for August, 2021
Domestic Terrorist Gets a Special Favor
Afghanistan: Two Implications for National Defense
Wuhan COVID Patients Showed Genetically Modified Henipah Virus
To Mask, Or Not? A State of Resistance
Biden Military Betrays Misguided Priorities
Dr. Doom: Stagflationary Debt Crisis Looms Ahead
In The Heights Celebrates First-Gen Americans
How Excessive Government Spending Leads to Financial Repression
9/11 Milestone Recalls Massive Government Failure
To Mask, Or Not? Should I Yield to Authoritarians Who Resist Authority?
Dr. Fauci’s Inconsistencies are Surging Once Again.
The Sunk Cost Fallacy in the War on Terror
CBO: Biden Spending on Unsustainable Path
As the Opioid Epidemic Worsens, We Must Look at Free Market Solutions

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless